Edit this page Backlinks Add to book Export to PDF Book Creator Add this page to your book Book Creator Remove this page from your book Manage book (0 page(s)) Help Codabix Web Configuration Starting the Codabix Application Install Codabix, see Codabix Installation. Make the necessary adjustments Codabix Setup and First Start. Double-click the icon on the Desktop to start Codabix, or run the following command on the command line (e.g. on Windows Server Core): "%ProgramFiles%\TIS\Codabix\codabix-ui.exe" The Codabix Login dialog will show. Install Codabix, see Codabix Installation. Make the necessary adjustments Codabix Setup and First Start. Double-click the icon on the Desktop to start Codabix, or run the following command on the command line (e.g. on Windows Server Core): "%ProgramFiles%\Traeger\Codabix\codabix-ui.exe" The Codabix Login dialog will show. Configuration Codabix can be configured using a web-based GUI. On Windows, Codabix uses an embedded web browser to display the Web Configuration. You can also open the Web Configuration with your own browser (e.g. Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari). By default, Codabix uses a local HTTP binding (default port 8181), so you can use the following URL: http://localhost:8181/config/ Example: Please note: If you want to access the Codabix Web Configuration from a remote computer, you must add a remote HTTP binding in the Codabix Settings (for Codabix for Linux this already done by default). To access Codabix with a browser from a remote computer using HTTP, you can use the following URL: http://<hostname>:<port>/config/ General After starting or calling the URL the login dialog is displayed: After the login you reach the Codabix main window. The Codabix Web Configuration is separated in different parts: (1) Codabix Toolbar This toolbar is only visible if you use the Codabix application for the configuration. So this bar is only referring to the Codabix application. Icon Description Opens the license dialog, in which you can insert, change or delete the license See Codabix Settings Shows all information on the license and application Icon Description Opens the license dialog, in which you can insert, change or delete the license See Codabix Settings Shows all information on the license and application Licence Dialog Field Description License Code: Insert your license key here Remove License Remove the license from the computer Copy Machine Code Copies the machine code to the clipboard. This is required for the license creation. OK The entered license is stored on the computer. If “grayed out” no valid license key was entered. About Left area: Information on the application Right area: Information on the last installed license (2) Working Area The working area consists of an embedded browser (red border). This area is divided into 3 to 4 areas, depending on the choice of menu. (3) Title Bar In the title bar the following actions are possible and the following data is displayed: Field Description Opens and closes the menu Display of the title of currently selected menu Display of the name of the user logged in (4) Toolbar Below the title bar is the toolbar. It is automatically adjusted depending on which menu you are in and which item you have selected. Folder Node: Datapoint Node: User: User Group: Script Plugins: General: Grayed out icons are not applicable to the selected item. Icon Description Visible in Refresh view all menu Codabix Folder Node Folder Node, Datapoint Node Codabix Datapoint Node Folder Node, Datapoint Node Codabix-linked Folder Node Folder Node, Datapoint Node Codabix-linked Datapoint Node Folder Node, Datapoint Node All icons with this symbol add a new item on the basis of an input dialog Folder Node, Datapoint Node, User, User Group, Script Plugins Delete selected item Folder Node, Datapoint Node, User, User Group, Script Plugins Cancel action Datapoint Node, User, User Group, Script Plugins Saves the edited record or records Folder Node, Datapoint Node, User, User Group, Script Plugins Access to the selected Folder Node or Datapoint Node Folder Node, Datapoint Node Edit selected item Datapoint Node, User, User Group, Script Plugins Add or delete user User Group Add or deselect Folder Node or Datapoint Node User Group Select or deselect the user group for the selected item Folder Node, Datapoint Node create or delete a link Folder Node, Datapoint Node Duplicate the selected item Folder Node, Datapoint Node If you click on a Folder Node, all values of the Datapoint Node are updated. If a Datapoint Node is selected, only this value is updated Folder Node, Datapoint Node Set Datapoint Node value Datapoint Node If available, the historical data of the Datapoint Node is displayed Datapoint Node Edit script Script Plugin Log view of the selected script Script Plugin (5) Menu By default, the menu is displayed permanently. Field Description Nodes Current start page. Edit Folder Nodes and Datapoint Nodes Users Edit user User Groups Edit user groups Script Plugins Lightweight JavaScript (TypeScript) plugin that Codabix extends on custom functions. Executed in a secure environment Newest History Values View the of the last registered and stored historical values. Data will only be displayed if a Folder or Datapoint Node has enabled storing historical data About Information about the configuration page and, when appropriate, Codabix Logout Logout user (6) Node Tree The available Folder Nodes are displayed in a tree structure. Structure of the Node tree: Node Description Purpose System System Nodes Contains all Nodes that are necessary for the operation of Codabix. Most Nodes and variables are not editable here. Fixed Folder Nodes are: -System -Device -Plugins -Settings -Status -Channels -Variables -Control Device Device Nodes Contains all Nodes of the devices registered in Codabix S7 TCP-IP Device S7 Device Plugin Container Contains all dataa of the plugins required for Codabix and the user, for example status, channels, etc. Settings Settings of the plugin Possible Settings of the device Status Status of the plugin General information on the plugin, for example error, plugin started Channels Node for all channels Contains all defined channels of the plugin Channel e.g. Rotating Cutter - 1 Defined channel in the plugin Contains - general settings of the channel - Status of the channel - all defined Datapoint Nodes Plugin Plugin Nodes Root node for all plug-ins, similar to Devices Nodes Root node for user defined nodes Contains all user defined nodes and variables (7) Data Area Number Description 1 Data of the selected menu or Folder Node is displayed here 2 Navigation bar, here you switch views of the respective data. Possible navigation: top of page previous page next page bottom of page 3 Number of all records Nodes What are Nodes? “The OPC information model is a so-called Full Mesh Network based on nodes. These Nodes can include any kind of meta information, and are similar to the objects of object-oriented programming (OOP). A Node can have attributes for read access (DA, HDA) […]. Nodes hold process data as well all other types of metadata. The OPC namespace contains the type model.” Source: wikipedia.org Codabix is similarly structured as specified in the OPC UA. Depending on the Node type, a Node has different functions and properties. A distinction is made between: Folder Node Datapoint Node Link Node Directory Node Folder Nodes A Folder Node can also be referred to as a root node, since it may provide additional Folder or Datapoint Nodes but it itself may may not provide any value. Set properties are automatically applied to the Child Nodes, except when they define a separate condition. Datapoint Nodes A Datapoint Node in Codabix is like a variable with additional attributes (properties). A Datapoint Node must not contain Child Nodes. Link Nodes Link Nodes have only the properties they have in common. A Link Node points to another Node that has already been created. This way it is possible to be assemble an individual record from several devices, Folder and Datapoint Nodes. Directory Nodes The Directory Node is a Folder Node that directly points to a physical directory and automatically represents the substructure. Node Properties Common Properties Field Description Data type Lokal ID Unique ID in the Codabix System e.g. used in access through the REST interface Long Global ID Unique ID across Codabix GUID Name Unique name within the Parent Node, for example for the OPC UA addressing, JSON Interface e.g. job number String Display Name Display name for the user e.g. job number String Path e.g.: PLC address (according to S7 Syntax, DB1000.DBB 500, Word) OPC UA Node (3:AirConditioner_1.State) File path (R:\\MachineData) NOTE: The path is not dealt with at the Folder type String Max Value Age (ms) Relevant for a synchronous read. When a synchronous read operation doesn't specify a time to live, this value (in milliseconds) is used instead. This means that if the currently set node value is not older than this age, it will be returned directly; otherwise, the value will be read from the device. Integer Node Types When creating a Folder Node you can decide between the types: Folder Directory Type: Folder The Node is a regular Folder Node with no further special properties. Type: Directory The Node is a Folder Node an represents a physical registry in the data system. The Path property of the Node states the registry path (it can contain environmental variables). When browsing Nodes (e.g. via the web configuration) subdirectories are automatically created and aligned in the path property as corresponding Folder Nodes(type directory) and Datapaint Nodes (type file) with the related file path. Note: The specified path is subject to the Access Security restrictions that have been defined in the Codabix Project Settings. Note: The specified path is subject to the Access Security restrictions that have been defined in the Codabix Project Settings. Note: On Windows, by default the maximum file path length is limited to 260 characters (MAX_PATH). To use longer path names, you will need to enable the setting “Enable Win32 long paths” in the Windows Group Policy, see Enabling Win32 Long Path Support. Datapoint Nodes Additionally to the previously mentioned properties the Datapoint Node has the following properties: Name Description Data Type Description Description of the datapoint String Location Used during evaluation of conditions. Used to display e.g. of the origin of the message. Arbitrarily assignable String Value Types Data type of the node, further information see table Value Types enum Min Value Minimum value, is required for the evaluation of conditions Double Max Value Maximum value, is required for the evaluation of Conditions Double Hysteresis Threshold value used in the evaluation of conditions when e.g. minor temperature fluctuations are to be compensated. Double Scaling Factor Factor that is added to the currenty read value Double Scaling Offset The value is added to the currently read value Double Unit Unit of the value e.g. °C String Precision Number of decimal digits Number History Options Specifies how history values are to be captured and written into the database for this node. No: No history values are being captured for this node. Yes; only on Value Change: When a History Interval is set for the node, history values are being captured by the History Timer for this node from the actual value at the specified history interval; otherwise, history values are being captured when writing a value to the node. A captured value is inserted into the database only if it differs from the last written history value for that node. Additionally, in case of a device variable, a subscription is being created for this node. Yes: When a History Interval is set for the node, history values are being captured by the History Timer for this node from the actual value at the specified history interval; otherwise, history values are being captured when writing a value to the node. Captured history values are inserted into the database. Additionally, in case of a device variable, a subscription is being created for this node. Enum History Interval The interval at which history values shall be captured. Enum History Resolution Specifies the resolution to which numeric historic values are rounded when being captured. Double Note: To determine if a captured history value differs from the last history value (for the setting Yes; only on Value Change) only properties Value and Status are considered, but not property Timestamp (CreationTimestamp). When the History Options of a node are changed from No to Yes; only on Value Change while Codabix is running, the first captured history value after this change will be written to the database in every case, even when it is not different from the last written history value for that node. When the History Options of a node are set to Yes; only on Value Change and Codabix is shut down and later restarted, the first captured history value of the node after the restart will be written into the database in every case, even when it is not different from the last written history value for that node. When the History Options of a node are set to Yes; only on Value Change (or no History Interval is specified), the Creation Timestamp of the actual value will be kept when capturing the history value; otherwise, the Creation Timestamp will be set to the current time. In a Script, the setting Yes; only on Value Change corresponds to the value codabix.NodeHistoryOptions.Subscription | codabix.NodeHistoryOptions.ValueChange (contains codabix.NodeHistoryOptions.Active), and the setting Yes corresponds to the value codabix.NodeHistoryOptions.Subscription (contains codabix.NodeHistoryOptions.Active) History Values are inserted into the database asynchronously in the background by the History Value Dispatcher. This means that when you write a value to a node (where no History Interval is set), even though the write operation finished, the captured history value might not yet be in the database. This is especially true if you set the DB Update Mode to Restricted in the Codabix Settings, because captured history values are then inserted into the database only every 5 seconds. Value Types Codabix provides the following value types: Name According Data Type Length in Bits Blob binary, optional statement of file name and MIME type possible arbitrary String String arbitrary Null without value 0 Boolean Bool 1 SByte signed Byte 8 Byte unsigend Byte 8 Int16 signed Integer 16 UInt16 unsigned Integer 16 Int32 signed Integer 32 UInt32 unsinged Integer 32 Int64 signed Integer 64 UInt64 unsigned Integer 64 Single single Floating Point 32 Double double Floating Point 64 File The Node represents a physical file that can be accessed via OPC UA Client or via HTTP Access URL. The “Path” property of the Node contains a file path. Note: The specified path is subject to the Access Security restrictions that have been defined in the Codabix Project Settings. An array can also be created from each data type. Exceptions are the data types: Null File The length of the array is decided during the writing of the Datapoint Node. Codabix provides the following value types: Name According Data Type Length in Bits Blob binary, optional statement of file name and MIME type possible arbitrary String String arbitrary Null without value 0 Boolean Bool 1 SByte signed Byte 8 Byte unsigend Byte 8 Int16 signed Integer 16 UInt16 unsigned Integer 16 Int32 signed Integer 32 UInt32 unsinged Integer 32 Int64 signed Integer 64 UInt64 unsigned Integer 64 Single single Floating Point 32 Double double Floating Point 64 File The Node represents a physical file that can be accessed via OPC UA Client or via HTTP Access URL. The “Path” property of the Node contains a file path. Note: The specified path is subject to the Access Security restrictions that have been defined in the Codabix Project Settings. An array can also be created from each data type. Exceptions are the data types: Null File The length of the array is decided during the writing of the Datapoint Node. Node View Field Description Name internal unique name of the Folder Node Display Name Display name of the Node Description Description of the Node Value Type Data type or kind of data of the Node. See Properties Path e.g. PLC Address, OPC Node, data path to the node. See Properties Actual Value Value after click on . Live data is not displayed automatically. See (4) Toolbar Status Current status of the Node. Possible status: Good Bad Status at the device: At System / Devices / Device Plugin / Channels / Channel / Status you will find the status for the selected channel with the associated message. When the code is >= 0 the channel is running ok. Node Structure There are System Nodes and User Nodes. System Nodes are fixed, predetermined structures that are necessary for the operation of Codabix and its plugins. User Nodes are created and managed by the user according to his needs. Structure of System Nodes: System Devices Device Plugin Settings (settings of plugin) Status (status of plugin) Channels (defined channels) Channel 1 (defined channel) Control (Datapoint Nodes to control the channel) Settings (settings of the channel) Status (status informations of the channel) Variables (defined variables) Channel 2 Control … Control (Datapoint Nodes to control the plugin) Plugins Plugin Settings Status Channels Channel 1 Control Settings Status Variables Channel 2 Control … Control Structure of User Nodes: Nodes User Folder Node User Datapoint Node User Folder Node User Datapoint Node User Linked Node User Folder Node… See also (6) Node Tree. Create a Node You can create your own Nodes in the Nodes view under Nodes. In order to be able to create a Node, you always have to select the superior Node first. You can find the following items for adding Nodes in the toolbar: Add Folder or Directory Nodes Add Datapoint Nodes Add a Folder Node Enter name e.g. Press Enter display name e.g. Press Node type: select “Folder” when appropriate set intervals create a Node with Add a Directory Node enter name e.g. DirectoryR_MData enter display name e.g. machine data path: enter directory path e.g. R:\\MachineData when appropriate set intervals create a Node with In order for you to be shown folders and files you have to refresh the view, e.g. by clicking “User” and then clicking “Nodes”. Depending on the directory size it is possible that you will not see all files and subdirectories at once. Add a Datapoint Node enter name e.g. Pressure (bar) enter display name e.g. Pressure (bar) select value type e.g. Single when appropriate enter boundaries, scales, historical data (as e.g. Min Value = 20,5, Scaling Factor = 2,398 …) create a Node with The Node could look like this: Link Nodes For the selected item, the following dialog will be displayed: The selected item will be linked to the selected Node in the Node tree. The following icons are possible: linked Folder Node linked Datapoint Node If a Folder Node is linked onto a Datapoint Node, it is automatically converted to a Folder node. Node Access For the selected item the following dialog will be displayed: Field Description Local ID Unique Codabix internal ID of the selected item. See Abbreviations / Glossary Global ID The GUID unambiguously identifies the Node beyond system, e.g. Use of Codabix at several locations that are to form a record together. Abbreviations / Glossary Absolute Node Path Path for accessing the Node. In linked datapoints the path display to the origin of the datapoint is displayed. Token Act like a password for JSON to gain access to the Node. Access URL Read the actual value via HTTP directly and display it in a browser window. Add / Delete Node Access to a User A node access can only be added or removed to / from a user group. There are two ways to add a Node to the user via the user group: via the Node view via the user group directly Add / Remove via the Node View If a Folder Node is selected, automatically all the Nodes lying underneath inherit the selected user group. The user group is not displayed in the underlying nodes, if you click . Thus, you have the option to explicitly set the user group to a specific Folder or Datapoint Node, if for example, the Parent Node looses access. Add / Remove via the User Group All previously selected Folder and Datapoint Nodes are displayed by hooks. When you select a Folder Node, all nodes below will be automatically selected or deselected. User Here you create the users who shall have access to the dataa provided by Codabix. Only the administrator has the right to access the configuration page. Functions: add / edit / delete users asign user group(s) Add Users Field Description First Name First name Last Name Last name Login Email Email address: Can occur only once Phone Number Phone number: Can occur only once Login Password Password with repetition Edit Users The same settings as in Add Users apply. User Group A Node cannot be directly assigned to a user. You always need a user group. This simplifies the adminsitration of the Node access. Functions: Add / edit/ delete user group Add user to user group Add / delete Node Add User Group Field Description Name Display name of the group Type A or B, currently not used At the moment the usertype is not used. Edit User Group The same settings as in Add User Group apply. Add User to User Group There are two ways to add a user to user group: Via the user menu: For the selected item the following dialog will be displayed: Here you can add or deselect the user groups for the selected item. Via the user group: By clicking the user icon the following dialog is displayed for the selected user group: All available users can be selected or deselected here. Plugins Codabix can be extended to add new functions by plugins. These plugins are grouped by their classification. Depending on the category, the plugin offers a special range of services, organizations and Nodes. Some plugins can provide configuration files and additionally, as required by the circumstances, include a configuration application.Device Plugins All device plugins are using the Codabix Device Model. Each device that is provided is registered and managed by the Codabix Device Manager. See Device Plugins. S7Device Connection to Siemens SIMATIC S7. See S7 Device Plugin. Exchange Plugins All Exchange Plugins are using the Codabix Storage Model. Each Exchange Plugin that is provided is registered and managed by the Codabix Device Manager. See Exchange Plugins. Database Codabix supports connections to databases. More information can be found at Database Plugin. CSV For further information about the handling with CSV files see CSV Exchange Plugin. Interface Plugins Codabix contains an API interface. For more informations see Interface Plugins. REST The REST interface allows access to the Node Codabix via HTTP request formatted as a JSON object. For more informations see REST Interface Plugin Scipt Plugins Script plugins extend Codabix with additional functionalities via JavaScript editor. They are executed in a secure environment. See Script Interface Plugin. OPC UA Server Interface Codabix contains an OPC UA Server for the exchange of data. More information under OPC UA Server Interface Plugin. Table of Contents Starting the Codabix Application Configuration General Licence Dialog Nodes Node Properties Node View Node Structure Create a Node Link Nodes Node Access Add / Delete Node Access to a User User User Group Plugins