Edit this page Backlinks Add to book Export to PDF Book Creator Add this page to your book Book Creator Remove this page from your book Manage book (0 page(s)) Help Database Plugin General The Database Plugin allows you to write CoDaBix® Datapoint Node values to external databases, like MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server. What Does the Plugin Do? The plugin allows you to: define database connections define triggers (e.g. interval trigger) define DataSets, consisting of datapoint Nodes system values When a trigger fires, the plugin collects values for a “record set” by doing a Synchronous Read of specified CoDaBix® datapoint Nodes (which means CoDaBix® requests the underlying device to actually read its variables) and then writes the values of the record set to a database table. When a trigger fires, the plugin collects values for a “record set” by doing a Synchronous Read of specified CoDaBix® datapoint Nodes (which means CoDaBix® requests the underlying device to actually read its variables) and then writes the values of the record set to a database table. To use the plugin, you need to create an XML configuration file. Features Collect node values and write them into a database when a trigger fires Supports multiple trigger types: Interval trigger Edge value trigger (fires when the value of a node changes to a specified value) Value change trigger (fires when the value of a node changes) Supported Database Engines MySQL 5.5 or higher Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or higher Purpose & Use Cases mirror data from CoDaBix® to an external database collect data from devices once a trigger fires Installation This plugin is part of the CoDaBix® Setup. Please consult CoDaBix® Setup and First Start for more information on how to install and uninstall this plugin. This plugin is part of the CoDaBix® Setup. Please consult CoDaBix® Setup and First Start for more information on how to install and uninstall this plugin. Requirements The machine which runs CoDaBix® must have access to one of the supported database engines. Configuration This plugin can be only configured by using the XML Configuration File as described below. You will need to create the XML Configuration File (“CoDaBix.DatabasePlugin.Settings.xml”) in the project directory (see Folders & Files). When the file is changed while Codabix is running, the Database Plugin will automatically restart and use the new configuration file.Structure PluginSettings Element Each CoDaBix® plugin defines the root of its element tree by the “PluginSettings” element as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <PluginSettings xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <!-- Channels element --> </PluginSettings> Channels Element The Channels element serves as a container for one or more Channel elements. The Channel element defines a group of database connections, triggers and datasets. For each channel there is a worker thread that handles a trigger by collecting Node values and then writing them to the specified database connections. <Channels> <Channel id="ch1" active="true"> <!-- DbConnections element --> <!-- Triggers element --> <!-- DataSets element --> </Channel> <!-- More <Channel> elements... --> </Channels> Each Channel element provides the following list of attributes: Attribute Mandatory Type Purpose id yes String Uniquely identifies this channel. This value can be referenced e.g. in one of the SystemValue elements. active no Boolean Determines if this channel is actually run. If "false", the channel is not started, otherwise it is. DbConnections Element The DbConnections element serves as a container for one or more DbConnection elements. The DbConnection element defines a physical connection to a database, including the table name. This determines to which database table is written. <DbConnections> <DbConnection id="con1" type="MSSQL" hostname="" port="1234" username="myuser" password="pw" database="MyDB" table="MyLogTable" /> <!-- More <DbConnection> elements... --> </DbConnections> Each DbConnection element provides the following list of attributes: Attribute Mandatory Type Purpose id yes String Uniquely identifies this database connection. This is used in the DataSet elements to refer to this connection. type yes Enumeration Specifies the type of the database engine. "MSSQL": Microsoft SQL Server "MySQL": MySQL Server hostname yes String The hostname, DNS name or IP address of the database Server. port yes Integer The TCP port of the database server. When using MSSQL as Server Type, you can specify 0 as port, which means a connection to the default SQL Server instance shall be established. username yes String The username which is used to establish the database connection. password yes String The encrypted password for the username. To get the encrypted password, open CoDaBix, and in the Web Configuration click on Password Security. Here, you can enter your original password and encrypt it, so that it can be specified for this attribute. database yes String The database name. table yes String The name of the database table to which the values shall be written. connectTimeout no Integer The timeout in seconds to use when connecting to the database. If not specified, the value 30 is used. commandTimeout no Integer The timeout in seconds to use when running a database command. If not specified, the value 60 is used. maxPoolSize no Integer The maximum number of active database connections that are pooled. If not specified, the value 40 is used. Note: Currently, the Database Plugin always writes values to a database table by using an INSERT statement (meaning new values are appended to the table at each write). Triggers Element The Triggers element serves as a container for one or more Trigger elements. The Trigger element defines an object which fires an event. A trigger can be referenced in a DataSet element to determine when the Database Plugin should collect and write Node values to the database. <Triggers> <Trigger id="t1" type="interval" interval="5000" /> <Trigger id="t2" type="edge" node="/Path/to/TriggerNode" edgeValue="1" changeBackValue="0" /> <Trigger id="t3" type="valueChange" node="/Path/to/TriggerNode" /> <!-- More Trigger elements... --> </Triggers> Each Trigger element provides the following list of attributes: Attribute Mandatory Type Purpose id yes String Uniquely identifies this trigger. This is used in the DataSet elements to refer to this trigger. type yes Enumeration Specifies the type of the trigger. "interval": Fires at a specific regular interval, specified by the interval attribute. "edge": Fires when a specific value is written into the specified Node (and the previous Node value was a different value). "valueChange": Fires when a value of the specified Node changes. interval (when type="interval") yes Integer Specifies the interval of the trigger in milliseconds. For example, a value of 2000 means the trigger fires every two seconds. node (when type="edge" or type="valueChange") yes String Specifies the Node path of the Node which the trigger should use to check for value changes. edgeValue (when type="edge") yes String The value for which the trigger checks. The trigger fires when this value is written to a Node and the previous Node value was a different one. changeBackValue (when type="edge") no String If specified, the Database Plugin will write this value into the Node after the trigger has fired and the record set has been collected using an synchronous read. instantChangeBackValue (when type="edge") no String If specified, the Database Plugin will write this value into the Node immediately after the trigger has fired (before the record set has been collected). DataSets Element The DataSets element serves as a container for one or more DataSet elements. The DataSet element defines a group of datapoint Nodes and SystemValues which will be collected into a record set and then written to one or more database connections. In a DataSet, you can reference one or more DbConnection elements (meaning that a DataSet is written to all these database connections) and one or more triggers (meaning the Node values are collected and written when one of these triggers fires). <DataSets> <DataSet id="ds1" writeDelay="2000" writeBufSize="10"> <!-- One or more DbConnection elements referencing a database connection... --> <DbConnection id="con1" /> <!-- One or more Trigger elements referencing a trigger... --> <Trigger id="t1" /> <!-- Nodes element --> <!-- SystemValues element---> <!-- AfterSyncActions element --> </DataSet> <!-- More <DataSet> elements... --> </DataSets> Each DataSet element provides the following list of attributes: Attribute Mandatory Type Purpose id yes String Uniquely identifies this DataSet. writeDelay no Integer Specifies the maximum delay (in ms) after the cached record sets are written to the database. writeBufSize no Integer Specifies the maximum number of cached record sets until they are written to the database. For each DataSet, after a set of values has been collected (a record set), the record set is buffered to efficiently handle a number of record sets to write them in one go. If either the writeDelay or writeBufSize is specified (or both), the buffered record sets are not written to the database until the writeDelay time has passed since the last write, or the number of cached record sets specified by writeBufSize has been exceeded. If none of these attributes are specified, the record sets are written immediately. EachDbConnection element and Trigger element provides the following list of attributes (in the DataSet element): Attribute Mandatory Type Purpose id yes String References a previously defined DbConnection or Trigger. Nodes Element The Nodes element serves as a container for one or more Node elements. The Node element references a CoDaBix® datapoint Node using either an absolute or relative Node path. If the Nodes element specifies a path in its root attribute, the path of the Node elements is relative to the Nodes's root path. Example with root path: <Nodes root="/Nodes/Demo-Nodes/"> <Node path="Temperature" column="ColTemp" /> <Node path="Pressure" column="ColPressure" /> <Node path="Pressure" property="timestamp" column="ColPressureTimestamp" /> <!-- More Node elements... --> </Nodes> Example without root path: <Nodes> <Node path="/Nodes/Demo-Nodes/Temperature" column="ColTemp" /> <Node path="/Nodes/Demo-Nodes/Pressure" column="ColPressure" /> <Node path="/Nodes/Demo-Nodes/Pressure" property="timestamp" column="ColPressureTimestamp" /> <!-- More Node elements... --> </Nodes> Each Nodes element provides the following list of attributes: Attribute Mandatory Type Purpose root no String Specifies the path to the parent Node. If specified, the path of the Node elements is relative to this root path. Otherwise, the path of the Node elements must be the complete path. Each Node element provides the following list of attributes: Attribute Mandatory Type Purpose path yes String The relative path from root to the Node, or the absolute path if the root of the Nodes element is not specified. column yes String The name of the database table column in which the value shall be written. property no (default: value) String The property of the Node which shall be written. "value" (default): The Node's value. "timestamp": The timestamp of the Node's value (UTC). "timestampLocal": The timestamp of the Node's value (local time). "nodeID": The identifier (local identifier) of the Node. "nodeName": The name of the Node. "nodeDisplayName": The display name of the Node. "nodeUnit": The unit of the Node. SystemValues The SystemValues element serves as a container for one or more SystemValue elements. The SystemValue element either contains a literal value or references a predefined system value, which should be written to the database. <SystemValues> <!-- Example 1: Log the time when the trigger fired to DB column "colTriggerTime" --> <SystemValue type="triggerTimestamp" column="colTriggerTime" /> <!-- Example 2: Log the value "12345" to the column "colLiteralValue": --> <SystemValue value="12345" column="colLiteralValue" /> </SystemValues> Each SystemValue element provides the following list of attributes: Attribute Mandatory Type Purpose column yes String The name of the database table column in which the value shall be written. type yes (if value is not specified) Enumeration Specifies which system value to use. "triggerTimestamp": The timestamp when the trigger has fired (UTC). "triggerTimestampLocal": The timestamp when the trigger has fired (local time). "channelID": The identifier of the containing channel. value yes (if type is not specified) String Specifies a direct (literal) value which shall be written. Note: Either the type or the value attribute must be specified, but not both. AfterSyncActions Element The AfterSyncActions element serves as a container for one or more AfterSyncAction elements. The AfterSyncAction element allows to write a value to a Node after the record set has been collected. <AfterSyncActions> <AfterSyncAction type="writeNodeValue" node="/Path/to/Node" value="MyValue" /> </AfterSyncActions> Each AfterSyncAction element provides the following list of attributes: Attribute Mandatory Type Purpose type yes Enumeration Specifies the type of the AfterSyncAction. "writeNodeValue": After collecting the record set, the specified value is written to the Node. node yes String Specifies the Node path of the Node to write the value. value yes String The value to write. Example Configuration File The following is an example configuration file, using the elements as shown above: CoDaBix.DatabasePlugin.Settings.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <PluginSettings xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <Channels> <Channel id="ch1" active="true"> <DbConnections> <DbConnection id="con1" type="MSSQL" hostname="" port="1234" username="myuser" password="pw" database="MyDB" table="MyLogTable" /> </DbConnections> <Triggers> <Trigger id="t1" type="interval" interval="5000" /> </Triggers> <DataSets> <DataSet id="ds1" writeDelay="2000" writeBufSize="10"> <DbConnection id="con1" /> <Trigger id="t1" /> <Nodes root="/Nodes/Demo-Nodes/"> <Node path="Temperature" column="ColTemp" /> <Node path="Pressure" column="ColPressure" /> </Nodes> <AfterSyncActions> <AfterSyncAction type="writeNodeValue" node="/Path/to/Node" value="MyValue" /> </AfterSyncActions> </DataSet> </DataSets> </Channel> </Channels> </PluginSettings> Diagnostics The Database Plugin writes the following events into the log file [LoggingFolder]\logfile.txt (see Folders & Files path of the log file): Channels are started or stopped (because CoDaBix® is starting or stopping, or the configuration file has changed and the plugin restarts). A set of values has been successfully written to the database (after doing a synchronous read). An error occured when trying to write a set of values to the database. Entities The Database Plugin does not use the CoDaBix® Entity Model because it is configured by an XML Configuration File (CoDaBix.DatabasePlugin.Settings.xml) and therefore does not provide entities. Folders & Files Folders Content Path Usage AssemblyFolder <CodabixInstallDir>/plugins/DatabasePlugin/ Contains the plugin's assembly file. ConfigFolder <CodabixDataDir>/plugins/DatabasePlugin/ Contains the plugin's configuration file. LoggingFolder <CodabixDataDir>/plugins/DatabasePlugin/ Contains the plugin's log file. Files Type Path Usage Assembly [AssemblyFolder]/CoDaBix.DatabasePlugin.dll The plugin's assembly file. Config File [ConfigFolder]/CoDaBix.DatabasePlugin.Settings.xml The config file. Logging [LoggingFolder]/logfile.txt The log file. About Versions This Document Date 2018-06-14 Version 1.5 Plugin Name Database Plugin Version 1.0.10 Assembly Name CoDaBix.DatabasePlugin.dll Date 2018-06-14 Version Table of Contents General What Does the Plugin Do? Features Supported Database Engines Purpose & Use Cases Installation Requirements Configuration Diagnostics Entities Folders & Files About Versions